Seriously... or not

Thursday, July 20, 2006

a sickening situation

i am so incredibly livid about the situation in the middle east. how is it that israel can justify this extreme aggression, over the 10 killed/kidnapped israeli soldiers?

if this kind of aggression was imposed on israel by outside countries for every wrong they have done and every international law they have violated, there would be no israel left:

1. building illegal settlements in the west bank and gaza
2. building that hideous wall that snakes in and out of the green line = illegal
3. the occupation itself
4. cutting off water, electricity, services, imposing curfews, etc. on innocent palestinians
5. utterly humiliating checkpoints requiring hours of standing in line, searches, interrogations, just to move 10 miles
6. the sheer fact that palestinian casualties outnumber israeli by thousands and thousands

you want to talk about terrorism? these things sounds like terrorist activities to me. israel’s actions are no better than those suicide bombers. to me, they are worse. how long to they expect the palestinians and their arab neighbors to roll over and get fucked. the people in the area have had enough. they are reacting and defending themselves. how is this terrorism? this is not coming out of nowhere. WHEN WILL ISRAEL GET A CLUE!?

the international community reaction is a joke. a complete joke. what happened to the israeli soldiers was not right by any stretch of the imagination. but when the israeli response results in over 300 people being killed (mostly civilians) and Israeli casualties add up to only 30, there is something fundamentally wrong. not to mention the devastating destruction of infrastructure. and US marines have arrived in the area only to help evacuate people. what is everyone doing? NOTHING. just watching it happen. halting israeli’s aggression immediately is what should be done, with the world speaking against it in one united voice.

then israel needs to take a good hard look at why these so called “terrorists” are against them. they can start with # 1 – 6 above, and start cluing in to the root cause of problem: OCCUPATION. denial of basic human rights. denial of total freedom. denial of quality of life.

it disgusts me that getting the vote and getting funding from the israeli and jewish lobby prevents anyone from implementing ACTION against israel for all their wrongs. palestinians have paid dearly for the actions of suicide bombers, “terrorists”, and the like. when will what is right and what is wrong overcome money and politics?


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