Seriously... or not

Thursday, June 08, 2006

system error

i consider myself to be decently computer savvy, more than the average joe. so when i bought an external hard drive and more memory to add to gigi (my home computer), i thought i'd have a nice upgrade to enjoy iTunes and my iPod, which i really haven't used with my computer very much in the last 10 months due to my lack of space. read on if you'd like to hear about my trials and tribulations.

well, the external drive install was fine. i transferred all my music, pictures, and other large files that were max-ing out my other drives. images of a fantastically fused denise/leslie music collection danced through my head! however, when i ran iTunes, everything froze. when i attached my iPod with iTunes open, everything froze. i thought the solution would be more memory.

i installed 1024 MB more memory. my computer recognized it. wonderful. but it decided to then reject my keyboard. WTF?? i have no clue how one has to do with the other, but the driver for the keyboard went out the window. and i couldn't download it from the web since i couldn't type. INSERT CURSE WORD HERE.

well, because i'm more computer savvy than the average joe, i figured out a way to find the driver on my computer without requiring the keyboard. great. wonderful. things are looking up.

let's run iTunes! or not! same deal - froze up upon the double click. i uninstalled and reinstalled the program back on the C drive. at that point iTunes didn't even bother opening when double-clicked.

did i mention that during this time, my system decided to spontaneously reboot itself and tell me that "your system has just recovered from a serious error." twice.

and again the next day, after the new memory was removed and other clean-up measures were utilized, right in the middle of a fresh iTunes install.

so now i am now looking at returning everything i just bought and a) buying a computer from bryce, who helped me with this mess (it's better than gigi and for about what i bought the upgrades for) or b) reformatting my whole damn computer and starting, literally, from scratch. somehow, i think i'm going to end up doing both.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad for your silicon chip troubles. Very impressed by your masterful feat of keyboard driver downloading. And still somewhat entranced by the thought of a Denise/Leslie musical fusion somewhere in our distant future... ;)

12:27 PM  

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