Seriously... or not

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

where do we go after this life?

i got solicited by mormons today. sneaky little bastards. struck up a really nice conversation with me about biking, then sweetly handed me a postcard with a picture of some monstrous temple, saying:

what is the true nature of god?

can families be together forever?

where do we go after this life?

answers to these and other eternally significant questions can be found by visiting

what a load of bullshit. i wanted to ask if they plan on having multiple wives and raping their daughters (ok, i really don't believe all mormons are like that, but after reading
jon krakauer's book, i just can't help it crossing my mind). highly unfair of me, i'm sure. but anyway...

it bugs me because they don't have the answers to these questions. i KNOW they don't. no one does. any religion that claims to have the answers to these questions (namely the first and last) is totally missing the point and trying to con vulnerable people.

there is no heaven. there is no hell. there is no such thing as god. maybe saying that is equivalent to someone saying that there IS a heaven and a hell and there are answers about an afterlife. maybe i'm just the same as the believers in my strong sense of non-belief. probably.

we are no different from any other organism on the planet, except for our capability for reason, emotion, and innovation. i don't believe that these exceptions buy us an afterlife in a heaven. it just means that we are able to experience the earth in a different capacity than other living things. damn, we're lucky. we get to exist on a planet spinning through a vast infinity for a quick flash of time. better enjoy it while it lasts and make the best of it. i don't think anything else comes after this. THIS IS IT. that's my religion. maybe i'll make postcards.


Blogger Squirrel Chasing Nuts said...

Lol, I know how you feel. Imagine living with 5 of them and both sides of your extended family are all 100% holy-rolling... mormons.

Funny part is, they don't actually believe it either.

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

denise I'll pass out your postcards in Utah next month. in the meantime rent "what the bleep do we know" -P

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen Orgazmo?

12:54 PM  

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