Seriously... or not

Sunday, April 23, 2006

so close, yet so far away

i was this close (picture my thumb and index finger very close together) to winning AFI tickets tonight. caller #3. they wanted caller #5. ARG! unfortunately i can't buy them, otherwise i would not be in this predicament. this will be an excellent start to an upcoming excellent coachella weekend.

i only have so much time left in my life before the young kids will look at me and think "dude, look at the old chick going to a punk show."

i'm behind on concert reviews, and restaurant reviews (which i promised kevin). hopefully i'll get these in before leaving for coachella.

on a completely unrelated topic, i rode my mountain bike for the first time today! it was great. i also managed to run into a 14 year old-ish kid on his mountain bike (too detailed to explain how this happened, but really, i'm not *that* retarded on a bike), causing a tangle and a tumble. i cut my finger, have a welt on my thigh (think like a welt from getting hit with a paintball), and already chipped paint off my bike! i can't believe i did that...


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