Seriously... or not

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

it never fails...

most of the time, i'm in the lab at odd hours compared to everyone else. i am usually by myself, so i have the radio to myself.

but it seems that every time i happen to be in the lab first to claim radio control, my slightly elderly co-workers come in the lab to work, and the nine inch nails song "closer" never fails to come on. this happened today.

now, i know what you are thinking: i could easily NOT listen to a station that would play that song while in the presence of other people. there are many other stations to choose from, but if i'm alone, that's the one i choose. i am a courteous employee - i always ask my colleagues if the station is OK, if it's too loud, blah, blah, etc, etc. they always say the same thing: "this is nothing! i have teenage kids at home!"

even so, every time that song comes on, i can't help thinking "oh GOD, not AGAIN!" and i can't help getting the slightest bit embarrassed! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if you ever hear the song start, it would seem imperative to change the station immediately, else said co-worker might hear it.

Alternatively, one could even go so far as to start requesting said song from the radio station to determine if there is a true cause-and-effect relationship. =)

11:37 AM  

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